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The Truth About Muscle Soreness

You have just returned back to your regular training routine or just getting started program. The next day your muscles are sore or even worse 2 days later. So what is the truth about muscle soreness?

Your suffering from DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness .

The soreness is the result of a microtrauma. Stressing a muscle beyond what it is accustomed to will cause damage that stimulates an adaptation response. This response is felt as painful soreness that discourages you from moving the affected muscle.

On a microscopic and hormonal level adaptation your body is healing torn and inflamed muscle fibres’. White blood cells will clear out damaged tissues as the body secretes hormones like IGF-1 and testosterone to increase protein synthesis which adds new mass. Increased muscle mass will create greater strength.

Relief from DOMS will heal itself as the normal process of circulation. If you want to accelerate this process you need to increase blood circulation, simply by moving your body. Keep up your water, stretch and if the pain is too much you can take an anti-inflammatory. i.e ibuprofen.