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Terms and Conditions

It is important that you read and understand the following terms and conditions carefully. If you do not understand any part of this form please ask your trainer.

1. I am aware that the information I have provided on this form will be used as the basis for exercise safety screening on my behalf by Fitness Inside Out Pty Limited (FIO). I understand that the trainers, licensees, employees, servants or agents of FIO are not qualified to give medical advice as to my medical fitness and that at all times the information provided by me will be used only as a guideline to the limitations of my ability to exercise. If anything in my physical condition changes after completing my medical screening I undertake to inform FIO to enable FIO to update the information they hold in relation to my physical condition.

2. I agree and consent to participate in fitness assessments, personal training, follow programs and attend classes developed by FIO.

3. I agree that my involvement in this screening and the exercise program is completely voluntary and that I may request any representative of FIO that I wish to stop at any stage.

4. I agree that FIO conducts fitness assessments, exercise programs or classes and any of FIO’s facilities and/or facilities of which FIO have the use at any time, and my participation in the classes and programs conducted by FIO may involve strenuous activity and special risks. I expressly assume all risks, special or otherwise, and all responsibilities associated with such use and participation, and further, I release, indemnify and hold harmless FIO, it’s Directors, employees, contractors, licensees and agents (the staff) from all liability or responsibility and agree to take no action nor direct others to take any action whatsoever on my behalf if any of the following events occur.

a) Any personal, physical or mental damage;

b) Aggravation of any existing condition disability;

c) Any property damage theft or loss suffered by me;

d) Death

5. Howsoever any of the events listed (a) to (d) above occur including but not limited to any acts of negligence whether passive or active on behalf of FIO or it’s staff or any other person using the premises, or any loss or damage which occurs as a result of but not limited to the change of conditions in which the activity takes place, parking of cars, entry and exit ways, inadequate facilities or treatment if I am injured, faulty machinery or equipment.

6. Details of this screening are treated as strictly confidential by FIO. FIO takes the issue of privacy seriously. Information stored on our computer network system is protected against unauthorized access and misuse by the system design, security access policies and procedures. If you require any further information concerning our privacy policy in compliance with the Privacy Amendments (Private Sector) Act 2000 please ask any member of staff who would be happy to provide it to you.

The client acknowledges and confirms to the following payment terms:

Pay-As-You-Go payments: Clients will be charged post their sessions once the session has been checked-in as completed online. Completed sessions will be charged to the credit card or bank account details provided when booking the Trial Session.

Bulk Plan Payments:

The fortnightly payments will be debited from your bank account or credit card when paying via direct debit.

The payments are for the fortnight in advance. Payments will be for a period of 12 weeks, a minimum of 6 payments. At the end of the term we will contact you via email to advise you that your Plan will be renewing. If you wish to cancel your Bulk Plan at anytime you must give 14 days notice in writing to contact@fitnessinsideout.com.

It is the client’s responsibility to ensure sufficient funds are in the nominated account  when the payments are to be drawn. If a debit is unsuccessful the client will be responsible for all administration fees and or collection fees. Fitness Inside Out may, in it’s absolute discretion, debit up to a maximum of 3 debits without notice should the prior debits be unsuccessfully processed.

Direct debit payments may be placed on hold if you are going to be away for 2 or more weeks. Note you will not be able to train while you payments are on hold.

The payments shall be payable whether or not the client has utilised the training sessions.  If at anytime the client’s account is overdue no sessions will be performed until the overdue amount is paid.

All sessions must be completed within 6 months of the payment date or these sessions will be forfeited, there are no refunds of unused sessions.


Cancellations Terms: A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel a training session and if this notice is not given the session will be charged the full rate.