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New Year Resolutions

Annual resolutions are important way to take stock of what’s truly important in your life and you should pause and reflect.  After the past couple of years with the pandemic we have learnt not to take for granted our health and wellness.  

Here at Fitness Inside Out HQ we have put together 6 simple health and wellness tips to kick start your New Year.

1 .Practice mindfulness, be grateful for what is good in your life, where you are in life and who you are right now.

2. Cook something new each week. Everyone wants to eat healthy in the new year, taking the small step of eating a diverse range of foods will help set up good habits.

3. Weekly Meal and Grocery List. Plan what you are going to eat for the week and create your shopping list. Check out some healthy new recipes or pre make some meals for the week to save time.  

4. Get into a good sleep routine. Sleep is one of the key functions of the body to rejuvenate its self from the day.  Get into a healthy sleeping pattern, establish a regular time to go to bed.

5. Incidental Exercise. Take the stairs or get off the bus one stop early. With many of us working from home it is important to get up from your desk regularly. Every hour get up and move.

6. Work out with a partner.  Training with a partner will help you stay accountable. If you don’t have a partner to workout with or new to fitness, hiring a personal trainer is a good way to start.