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FREE T-Shirt - Give Away

To celebrate our 21 years in business get one of our Love My Personal Trainer Tees for you and your FIO personal trainer, just for sharing your health and fitness story with us.

Tell us why you hired your FIO personal trainer, what you love about training or your favourite exercise or workout or tell us how it has changed your life. Complete the form below to get your FREE Love My Personal Trainer Tee.

Love My PT Tshirt
Tell us why you hired your FIO personal trainer and why you love training with us.

Terms & Conditions

  1. In entering you give permission for your image and story being used in social media and online.
  2. Clients must be currently training with Fitness Inside Out to be eligible.
  3. For Personal Trainers to earn their Tee they must supply a picture of their client/s in their Love My PT Tee.
  4. Limit of 1 x t-shirt per client.
  5. Personal Trainers can earn a maximum of 1 x T-shirt.
  6. Please email photos to contact@fitnessinsideout.com
  7. Entries close 1st November 2022