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Keeping Motivated with Your Home Workout

Do you struggle keeping motivated with your home workout? It’s easy to lose focus and motivation when you’re by yourself training at home. Let’s face it, it’s easy to get distracted or find an excuse to put it off tomorrow.

So here at Fitness Inside Out we have put together some helpful tips to get you exercising even when no one is looking.

Create Your Own Space.

If you have a home gym or an area already set up so you can jump in and fit in a sneaky workout  before work or before dinner.  You may wish to have a computer for playing workout videos or a  even TV.

Diarize a Workout.

Plan the time of day and what days you will do your workout. Getting it a part of your regular routine is critical. Schedule it around your regular commitments and preferred time to work out.

Workout with a Partner.

Train with your partner or a buddy. The accountability that a partner can bring can motivate and inspire.

No Social Media.

Avoid catching up on Social Media in-between sets. Before you know it 10 mins gone and your 30 min workout turns into a 60 min workout. This can screw up the routine and your body cools down and you lose momentum.

Prepare Your Workouts in Advance.

Speak to your personal trainer about getting planned workout routine. Depending on your availability of time and when you want to do your workout, it may be a 30min daily routine or 60 min session. Your personal trainer will guide you what is best for you and your goals.

Don’t have a personal trainer, talk to us about hiring a personal trainer and or writing a program for you.

Wear Workout Gear.

Don’t work out in your pyjamas, put on your work out gear and gym shoes.

Enclothed cognition is a psychological phenomenon that suggests certain clothes may trigger mental changes that can impact performance positively.

Turn Up the Sound.

Similar to getting on the right workout gear music is just as important. Now you may not want to have the sound blaring through the house and waking up the rest of the house during your early morning workout. Switch to the headset and find some tunes that are just right for the cardio or yoga routine.

Hire a Personal Trainer.

When all else fails keeping motivated with your home workout, hire a personal trainer for a extra session. They will keep you motivate, accountable and on track to reach your goals in 2020.