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10 Minute upper body workout at home

Why a 10 Minute upper body workout at home can keep you motivated and on track.

Keeping our clients motivated and active throughout the week can be challenging. Clients are motivated and enthusiastic when they are at their session with their personal trainer, but keeping the motivation and enthusiasm can be challenging on non trainer days.

When setting goals for clients we recommend incremental steps, I know this may sound strange but keeping the bar low initially will help to maintain motivation. If you plan to do your workout routine for 5 days of the week and you only achieve it once or twice you can feel discouraged. However if your goal was to to do it twice a week and you achieved it you will feel satisfied and more likely to keep it going.

Having a 10 Minute upper body workout at home to do on non trainer days is also key to reaching your regular training goals. Most clients can find 10 mins a day to do something and this upper body workout can be done at home in the lounge room with simple dumbbells.


Source: Fitness Blender.