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Christmas Survival Tips

It’s Christmas and it is a time when many of us enjoy the festive season. But this does not mean you have to abandon all good things healthy.

According to ‘Nutrition Australia’ we put on an average of 0.8-1.5kg over the Christmas – New Year period. 1 to 2 kg might not sound like much but researchers have identified that weight gained over the holiday period is rarely lost .Now that’s not taking into account the Christmas parties throughout December.  When you add up the calories of  a glass of wine, beer and all the yummy treats it easy to see how the weight can stack on in December.

In order to counter-balance these extra calories and avoid the inevitable weight gain, exercise has never been more important than right now. If you want to enjoy a few Christmas treats, we’ve got are some helpful tips on how to survive the Christmas season.

Eat Healthy

Remember the golden rule: everything in moderation. Be sure to fill up on foods that are high in protein and healthy fats (fish, chicken, avocado, eggs, nuts and vegetables) and limit foods high in sugar and saturated fats.

Poor diet and drinking alcohol can result in increased production of free radicals which can lead to cellular damage. Vitamin C and E are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals by neutralising them. Antioxidant enriched foods include blueberries, acai berries, green tea, dark chocolate, and red and orange fruits and vegetables.

For Get the Detox

No detox diet in the New Year will instantly undo the damage that several weeks or months of bad lifestyle has created. Our liver and kidneys detoxify the body on a daily basis anyway, so it happens naturally. The key is eat healthily 90% of the time particularly between the party days. Try our Pineapple Blueberry Shake as a morning cleanser, perfect quick morning breakfast.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

The extra social commitments you have over Christmas make it very difficult to get your normal 8 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, failing to get enough sleep can have a negative effect on your body. That is why over the festive period it is extra important to catch up on your sleep whenever you can.

If you have a free evening, try to get to bed extra early or if you can catch a nap before going to your party, even better. Maximising the amount of sleep you get over the festive season can help your health.

Maintain Your Exercise Routine

Exercising over Christmas is probably more difficult than any other time of the year. You have more social commitments (so less time to exercise) and it can get easy to lose sight of your goals. Additionally, the increased consumption of alcohol probably leaves you with very little motivation to exercise.

If you have a regular training session planned with your trainer stick to it, even if you need to change the time or day to fit it into the schedule. Your personal trainer will keep you accountable and will provide that support and motivation that is needed throughout the festive season.

If you do put your exercise on hold over the Christmas New Year period, make sure you get in 20 mins of exercise daily,  simply go for a run, go for a swim or take the dog for a walk. Finding the 20 min of exercise daily in the holiday break will make it so much easier to maintain your body weight over the holidays.

Here are our tips for the Christmas Season Survival

  • Everything in moderation, you will be thankful in the new year.
  • Try drinking a glass of water between alcoholic drinks.
  • Have a healthy meal before you head off to the Christmas party so you don’t over indulge on snacks.
  • Stay clear of sugary pre-mixed alcoholic beverages and high-caffeine energy drinks.
  • Set your fitness goals around your social and family commitments.
  • Always have a date set with your trainer for the next session.

Have a Merry Xmas and a safe and Happy New Year!